Jay Chung
- Another Fish Story Starship 19: Apokolypse of the praktikal moment - Cover Nora Schultz
- Sharks Starship 18: Gibt es Communities? Gibt es Geister? Lass dich testen! - Cover Ariane Müller
- 2017, Year of the L.I.E. Starship 17: Cover Park McArthur, Martin Ebner
- The Scrapbooks of Teruo Nishiyama Starship 16: Cover Klara Liden
- To: Bice Curiger, Starship 15: Cover Gerry Bibby
- * Starship 14: A Plastic Island of the Mind - Cover Julian Göthe
- Dull and Bathos Starship 13: Geld Alkohol Feminismus Sex - Cover Monika Baer