Fini Fichte Black Flag; STARSHIP Future Garden, Vienna
in collaboration with Dirk Bell

Fini Fichte Black Flag is the result of an invitation of Amer Abbas to
spend a week at his bar FutureGarden in Vienna. Starting from the
paintings and drawings of Leonor Fini and the books of Hubert Fichte as
well as objects that we found in Vienna it consists of a poster outside,
a drawing in the wardrobe, a video installation depicting Leonor Fini
and Hubert Fichte as pirates in Mexico in a video of a Black Flag done
out of old umbrellas, a sound piece, different drawings in the bar, a
portable bookshelf and various other interventions appearing and
disappearing during the week. Fini Fichte Black Flag was thought up and
worked out together with Berlin based artist Dirk Bell. We lost the
original Fichte bookshelf at the airport and thanks to the local
building industry did a new one which is now moveable and the first
portable bookshelf of its kind. The wardrobe to our surprise is used as
a wardrobe meanwhile people tend to stumble over the books. A blue and
yellow hammock matching the ikea bag of the bookshelf is hanging below
the bar.

Hubert Fichte Leonor Fini

The wardrobe and the portable book shelf

The portable bookshelf

Fini and Fichte as pirates

From the outside