Mark van Yetter

Mark van Yetter
Perceptual Vigilence
03 Nov 2012 ~ 01 Feb 2013
Galerie Micky Schubert, Berlin
(one word instead of another)
balancing a tumbling drum set
a stage, a tableau
interior stage
a scalable arena
a staircase
leaving the american wing
a twist, a trace
the trading of goods
an artist interested in other artists
a lover
rare ware
an elephant in the street, in the night
destroyed in the morning
smoking a blue pipe
bathing in shady sunlight
liquids and glass
a shower in the middle
a bow and a stretch
an orange square
equal bodies and grace
a lion with a blue head
the tongue of a cat
nice, nasty tongue
flowers and springs, top-hats, dresses, underwear
american left wing
a fountain equals a plant
desire, a drip
the colors of skin
the warmth of a face
a salty taste
a wood, a skull, a nightmare
Text by Martin Ebner
Mark van Yetter
03 Nov 2012 ~ 01 Feb 2013
Galerie Micky Schubert
Bartningallee 2-4, 10557 Berlin