Starship 12

STARSHIP Magazine Nr 12, Spring 2015
David Antin, Tenzing Barshee, Gerry Bibby, Hans-Christian Dany, Nikola Dietrich, Stephan Dillemuth, Francesca Drechsler, Martin Ebner, Haytham El-Wardany, Yusuf Etiman, Morgan Fisher, Jean Genet, Julian Göthe, Ulrich Heinke, Judith Hopf, Karl Holmqvist, Chris Kraus, Sam Lewitt, Mikhail Lylov, Crispin Oduor Macachia, Almut Middel, Ariane Müller, Christopher Müller, Henrik Olesen, Sam Pulitzer, Gunter Reski, Mark von Schlegell, Nora Schultz, He-Ji Shin, Mitchell Syrop, Vera Tollmann, Annette Wehrmann, Lily Wittenburg, Amelie von Wulffen, Stephanie Wurster, Florian Zeyfang
Editors: Ariane Müller, Nikola Dietrich, Henrik Olesen, Martin Ebner
Dear Friends and colleagues,
On January 16th, 2015, will be the release of the next issue of Starship Magazine. With new editors (Nikola Dietrich and Henrik Olesen, together with Martin Ebner and Ariane Müller), new graphic design (Dan Solbach), and new format (bigger) but the proven 50:50 relation between text and images.
Building on 16 years of experience in publishing which makes us the oldest art magazine from Berlin, Starship still provides unexpected turns and novelties, far from the fading glory of actualities. We may add that it lies in the very nature of a magazine (German: Zeitschrift) that it is part of its time (Zeit), so that this issue of Starship also very loosely deals with time, time machines, and machines.
We are convinced that it is still the time to produce printed magazines, and having decided to give Starship a more regular frequency of appearance from now on, we hope to share some of the excitement we had with all our contributions, while producing the magazine.
On this occasion we would be very happy if you join us for the release party of Starship at Suedblock, Berlin on the 16th of January, 2015

Grand Joint Magazine Release Party
Fr, Jan 16, 10 p.m.
Südblock, Berlin
free entry
Starship is happy to celebrate the release of Starship Magazine Nº12 with an evening of formidable music and rare video screenings.
Special guests: PROVENCE ISSUE E Four Seasons (2015) AND its supplement The PROVENCE Summer Reader: After Dark
23h (sharp): Videoscreening with works by Nora Schultz and Morgan Fisher
Video installations with videos by Stephan Dillemuth, Bonny Poon, Florian Zeyfang, Martin Ebner, Seyoung Yoon, Provence and Starship
Dee Dont & Past Prime
Daimler Chrysler
Wolfgang Tillmans
Mo Probs
Julian Göthe

Nora Schultz, Terminal
(performance in its life-size architecture model)
Video, 2014

Morgan Fisher, Protective Coloration
Video, 1979

DJs Dee Dont & Past Prime

DJ Mo Probs

DJ No:esler